portfoliON is built upon Oracle Apex technology, which allows us to develop applications using as little code as possible. This is called Low Code.
The beauty of Low Code is that because there is minimal code needed, custom applications can be made very quickly rather than with months of development work

We can take your spreadsheet and input the information into the portfoliON database meaning that:
Your data will be in one centralised place that you can share with your colleagues.
We can configure how you want your data to be presented in a way which works for you.
When data has been updated, we can turn on notifications for those that need to know and introduce an automated workflow if data is updated regularly.
We get rid of formulas and complicated macro (which tends to break) because the data is stored in our robust database and you can choose how you search or extract relevant information.
We will cleanse the data from your spreadsheets to remove any duplicates or errors ready for you start working.
The Project Manager spends less time trafficking spreadsheets and more time focusing on key project deliverables.